fbpxThe First International Scientific Conference entitled (The Impact of Cybersecurity on National Security) 20-21/December/2022 | Amman Arab University

The First International Scientific Conference entitled (The Impact of Cybersecurity on National Security) 20-21/December/2022

الامن السيبراني

The First International Scientific Conference entitled
(The Impact of Cybersecurity on National Security)

20-21 / December / 2022

(conference face to face)

Organized by: Amman Arab University in partnership with the Directorate of Public Security

Conference Idea:

In our time, cybersecurity is considered one of the most important elements of national security in developed and developing countries, especially after the transformation of all production and service sectors to digital in all aspects of life. The concept of cybersecurity has become a major requirement for peoples who turn to technology in their public and private lives to secure information infrastructure and important technical information systems in which vital state facilities are managed, and any threat to state facilities is considered a threat to national security in its comprehensive sense. Hence, it has become a necessity for states to unite and join hands in providing successful ways to achieve cybersecurity for their various institutions. As it has become one of the concerns of all state institutions, and since the protection of electronic networks, information technology systems, operational technology systems, their hardware and software components, the services they provide, and the data they contain; any penetration, disruption, modification, entry, use or illegal exploitation has become an urgent necessity in enabling the state to fully manage its affairs. In addition to that, providing cybersecurity has become one of the most important criteria for states’ readiness and ability to invest the latest types of technology in all areas of human life.


Terms and Criteria for Submitting Research Papers

  • The research paper discusses the main themes of the conference or its branches.
  • The research paper is refereed by the Scientific Committee
  • Researches are accepted in both Arabic and English
  • The first page of the research contains the title of the conference and the organizers, the full title of the research (Arabic - English), the researcher's full name, the academic degree, place of work and e-mail address
  • The worksheets should be written using the (Microsoft Word) program.
  • For Arabic texts (Times New Roman)
  • For English texts (Times New Roman)
  • Taking into account the methodology of scientific research in writing the research, and that the research is original and modern.
  • The research has not been published, accepted, sent for publication, or accepted in any other conference.
  • The research should not exceed 20 pages or (10,000) words, including references and appendices as follows:
  1. Title research font 14 bold
  2. 12 subheadings bold
  3. Text research line 12
  4. Line spacing 1.5
  5. Personal information of the researcher
  6. Abstract of the research in both Arabic and English
  7. Introduction
  8. The problem and importance of research and its objectives
  9. Methods and Procedures (Methodology)
  10. Results and Discussion
  11. Conclusions and Recommendations
  12. Documentation of references according to international standards (APA), seventh edition

Conference Themes
The conference management has the honor to invite researchers from different countries of the world to participate in the conference within the following themes:
First Theme: Business Organizations and Cybersecurity:

  1. Digital business organizations and cybersecurity strategies.
  2. The vision of the administrative leadership for cybersecurity and risk management.
  3. Recent trends in cybersecurity and risk management.
  4. Success stories.

Second Theme: Cybersecurity in Infrastructure and Information:

  1. Information security and infrastructure security in cloud computing
  2. Detection and prevention of attacks in IoT and networks
  3. Cybersecurity applications in social media, mobile, web and data privacy policy.
  4. Experiences and success stories.

Third Theme: Images of Cybersecurity and its Implications in International Laws and Agreements:

  1. Criminal responsibility in electronic crimes.
  2. Civil liability of service providers in cybersecurity.
  3. The impact of cybersecurity on the electronic judiciary.
  4. Experiences and success stories.

Fourth Theme: Aviation Cybersecurity:

  1. Cybersecurity in light of the technical expansion of air navigation.
  2. Cyber deterrence measures in the civil aviation sector.

Fifth Theme: Educational and Psychological Sciences and the Relationship to Achieving Cybersecurity:

  1. Cyber and personality psychology. 
  2. Digital education and strategies for achieving cybersecurity in the educational field.
  3. Psychological and educational counseling in electronic and digital reality.
  4. Experiences and success stories.

Sixth Theme: Arabic Language and Mathematics and Relationship to Cybersecurity:

  1. Cybersecurity applications using algorithms in mathematics
  2. Cybersecurity and the Arabic language
  3. Experiences and success stories.

Seventh Theme: The Role of Public Security in Reducing Cyber Risks:

  1. Prevention of cyber-attacks (information security, personal security, systems and network security).
  2. Digital evidence and its role in proving cybercrime.
  3. Cybercrime
  4. Research papers
  5. Experiences and success stories.

Eighth Theme: International and National Efforts to Protect Cybersecurity

  1. International protection for cybersecurity and regulation of cyber war rules.
  2. The role of the International Telecommunication Union in assessing the readiness to prevent cyber wars.
  3. Experiences and success stories.

Conference Objectives
The conference seeks to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Spreading cyber awareness in societies.
  2. Recognizing global experiences and success stories in the field of cybersecurity.
  3. Increasing knowledge of ways and means of achieving cyber security.
  4. Interacting among international participants.
  5. Launching initiatives, social and academic services in the field of cybersecurity.


Important Dates
The last date for accepting the research abstract October 30, 2022
The researcher will be notified of the summary evaluation resultWithin a Week of receiving it.
The deadline for submitting the full research November 27, 2022
The researcher will be notified of the result of the research evaluationWithin a Week of receiving the entire research.


Submitting Research Papers:

  • Research papers are to be sent to the Scientific Committee Rapporteur (Prof. Dader Al-Qurashi) at the following e-mail (ICSNS.Conference@aau.edu.jo).

To communicate:

  • Conference Rapporteur: Prof. Daher Al-Qurashi (0096279517784) WhatsApp.

Subscription Fees:

  • Participation and attendance in the conference is free. A certificate of participation will be granted to the participant (and partners, if any), provided that the research paper is presented in the conference sessions in person.


Conference Committees

Prof. Mohamad Al-Widyan Conference PresidentPresident of Amman Arab University
Brigadier General Dr. Moatasem Abu ShatalConference Vice- president    Assistant Director of Public Security for Administration and Manpower
Prof. Daher Al-QurashiChairman of the CommitteeCollege of Business - Amman Arab University


The Supreme Advisory Board 

The Supreme Advisory Board of the First International Scientific Conference (The Impact of Cyber Security on National Security)
#NameRoleEmployerJob position
1Prof. Mohamad Al-WidyanPresidentAmman Arab UniversityPresident of Amman Arab University
2Brigadier General Dr. Moatasem Mahdi Abu ShatalVice- presidentDirectorate of General SecurityAssistant Director of Public Security for Administration and Manpower
3Prof. Daher Raddad Al-QurashiReporterAmman Arab UniversityFaculty member
4Ambassador Omar An-NaharMemberMinistry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate AffairsDirector of the Planning and Follow-up Department and responsible for the cybersecurity file
5Provincial governor 
Yassin Al-Hesban
MemberMinistry of Interior AffairsDirector of the Directorate of Information Technology and Digital Transformation
6Engineer Muhammad Ali Al-RifaiMemberMinistry of Interior AffairsPresident of the Information Protection Awareness Association (Cybersecurity)
7Engineer Firas Mohammed Al-ZoubiMemberNational Cyber Security CenterCyber Intelligence Director
8Brigadier General Engineer Muhannad Ali BataynehMemberDirectorate of General SecurityDirector of Communications and Information Technology
9Colonel Sahem Ahmed El-GamalMemberDirectorate of General SecurityDirector of Strategic and Security Studies Department
10Colonel Amin Jamil WerekatMemberDirectorate of General SecurityDirector of Preventive Security
11Colonel Basim Mufleh Al-AjarmehMemberDirectorate of General SecurityDirector of the Criminal Investigation Department


The Preparatory Commission

The Preparatory Commission
1Prof. Daher Al-QurashiBusiness CollegePresident
2Prof. Mohamed AteerCollege of Computer Sciences and InformaticsMember
3Prof. Suhaila BanatCollege of Educational and Psychological SciencesMember
4Dr. Munther Al-QudahCollege of LawMember
5Dr. Kamal AlyanCollege of Computer Sciences and InformaticsMember
6Dr. Mufleh Al JarrahBusiness CollegeMember
7Dr. Mahmoud Abu GomaaBusiness CollegeMember
8Dr. Malik Al-HarashehDirector of the International Bureau and External RelationsMember
9Dr. May Al-ShaikhliDirector of the Consulting and Training CenterMember
10Dr. Esraa AliCollege of Aviation SciencesMember
11Dr. Yazan Al-RashdanCollege of PharmacyMember
12Colonel/ Sahim Al JamalDirectorate of General SecurityMember
13Major/ Mahmoud  MahmoudDirectorate of General SecurityMember
14Major/ Omar AbdullahDirectorate of General SecurityMember
15Captain/ Mohamed MohamedDirectorate of General SecurityMember
16Captain/ Anas MuhammadDirectorate of General SecurityMember
17Lieutenant 1/ Mohamed ZeidanDirectorate of General SecurityMember
18Lieutenant 1/ Omar MohamedDirectorate of General SecurityMember


Scientific Committee

Scientific Committee
#NameRoleUniversity/ EmployerState
1Prof. Mohamed OteerPresidentAmman Arab UniversityJordan
2Mr. Zahir Al-QurashiRapporteurAmman Arab UniversityJordan
3Prof. Suhaila BanatSecretary of the CommitteeAmman Arab UniversityJordan
4Prof. Nidal TrabMemberAl-Ahliya Amman UniversityJordan
5Prof. Siham Abu AitaMemberAmman Arab UniversityJordan
6Prof. Hussein ShamiMemberDhi Qar UniversityIraq
7Dr. Munther Al-QudahMemberAmman Arab UniversityJordan
8Dr. Fahad Al-KasasbehMemberAmman Arab UniversityJordan
9Dr. Hassan HanatlehMemberAmman Arab UniversityJordan
10Dr. Kamal AlyanMemberAmman Arab UniversityJordan
11Dr. Rami SehwilMemberAmman Arab UniversityJordan
12Dr. Faris Al-AmaratMemberUnited nationsJordan
13Dr. Mahmoud Al-AssafaMemberUniversity of JordanJordan
14Dr. Ahmed Al BalochMemberAmman Arab UniversityJordan
15Dr. Malik Al-QassasMemberPresident of the Jordanian-Italian Friendship AssociationJordan
16Engineer Bakr Al-JabraMemberJordanian design and development centerJordan
17Dr. Rabab Abu MalouhMemberImam Abdul Rahman bin Faisal UniversitySaudi Arabia
18Dr. Hassan Al-WassiMemberMiddle East University CollegeIraq
19Dr. Hassan MohieldinMemberIraqi UniversityIraq
20Dr. Najwa GhalemMemberSidibe Belabbas UniversityAlgeria
21Dr. Samer RadwanMemberZowa UniversitySultanate of Oman
22Dr. Wahib Abu ElbaMemberIndependence UniversityPalestine
23Dr. Mamoun Abu HelouMemberIndependence UniversityPalestine
24Dr. Hani OweidatMemberIndependence UniversityPalestine
25Colonel Dr. Nadir Al-SalamatMemberDirectorate of General SecurityJordan
26Colonel Sahim Al-JamalMemberDirectorate of General SecurityJordan
27Major Dr. Ma’n HmisatMemberDirectorate of General SecurityJordan


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