The Faculty of Law at **Amman Arab University** has been a cornerstone of the university since its inception, serving as a vital contributor to the Jordanian legal system by producing highly qualified legal professionals each year. These graduates support various sectors, institutions, and organizations across the Kingdom, showcasing excellence in the field of law.
The Private Law Department, a pivotal component of the Faculty of Law, plays a significant role in achieving the faculty’s mission. Through its well-designed academic programs, the department seeks to equip students with essential knowledge and skills, exposing them to the latest advancements in legal theory and practical applications.
Committed to academic excellence, the department continuously reviews and updates its curriculum for graduate studies to ensure alignment with the latest legal developments at the local, regional, and international levels. This dynamic approach aims to produce graduates who are not only proficient in addressing contemporary legal challenges but also committed to advancing their professional capabilities in response to emerging trends in the legal landscape.
Operating under rigorous academic and scientific standards, the Private Law Department is dedicated to providing a supportive and stimulating learning environment. To this end, the Faculty of Law has assembled a distinguished team of legal scholars and educators who are committed to fostering academic and professional excellence.
The department places great emphasis on maintaining the sustainability of its academic activities, strategic plans, and programs. It continually enhances the advisory services offered to students, prioritizes scientific research, and ensures access to comprehensive knowledge resources for both faculty members and students. This steadfast commitment underscores the department’s role in shaping a new generation of legal professionals equipped to meet the demands of an ever-evolving legal profession.
Dr. Munther Al-Qudah
Head of Private Law Department
Faculty of Law and Department of Private Law were established in 1999.For M.A program, there are two tracks; thesis and comprehensive exam. Within its academic and scientific paths, Private law department graduated legal and distinguished qualifications locally and regionally in all fields, such as judiciary, legal profession and consultants in public and private sectors.
Through its vision, mission and objectives, the department is seeking to achieve distinction in updating study plans, developing methods of teaching and raising the scientific research standards of faculty members and students. Therefore, this department is exerting its efforts to be a pioneer and a distinctive department among other departments of this faculty.
Excellence in teaching and learning in the field of private law and scientific research locally and regionally.
Preparing distinguished staff in the field of private law equipped with knowledge, skills and ethics of the profession, to meet the needs of the local and regional community, in accordance with local and international quality criteria.
Private Law Major Master’s Program
Program Mission:
Providing distinguished academic programs in the field of private law supported by knowledge, skills and ethics of the profession by qualified staff capable of keeping pace with local and regional standards in accordance with the e-learning inclusion criteria.
Educational Program Objectives:
- To keep abreast with the technological innovations in the fields of private law.
- Encouraging scientific research in the field of private law.
- To increase analytical capacities of students in various fields of private law.
- To tune the graduate works (Master’s theses) to society problems and concerns.
- To graduate qualified students in various field of private law.
Educational Program Outcomes:
The expected outcomes of this program are preparing graduates competent in:
- Tackling in- depth the developments in the field of private law and providing legal suggestions to address them.
- Clarifying the problems that legal sector suffers from, and actively contribute to providing legal solutions.
- Conducting scientific research on issues related to private law.
- Analyzing local and regional legal environment in the field of private law and ways of enhancement.
- Evaluating the legal problems in the field of private law.

Major | Credit Hours | Study Plan |
Master's in Private Law | 33 | Download plan |
Master's in Arbitration and Settlement of Commercial Disputes | 33 |
Number | List of Research Papers | Abstract |
1 | أبوشنب ، أحمد والمومني، احمد . (2011) ، اختصاص محكمة العدل العليا الاردنية- دراسة موازنة مع نظام قضاء المظالم الاسلامي، المجلة الاردنية في القانون والعلوم السياسية (المجلد2 العدد2، 2010)، (وزارة التعليم العالي- جامعة مؤتة) . | |
2 | أبوشنب، أحمد، (2011) . الفئات المشمولة بالتأمين الاجتماعي-دراسة مقارنة مع تشريع الزكاة الاسلامي وقانون الضمان الاجتماعي الاردني- المجلة الاردنية للدراسات الاسلامية ، (المجلد7 العدد1 /أ،2011)(وزارة التعليم العالي-جامعة آل البيت) . | |
3 | أبوشنب، أحمد، (2011) .تطبيق أحكام المباشرة والتسبب على الإضرار الناجم عن فيروسات الحاسب الآلي، المجلة الاردنية للدراسات الاسلامية، (المجلد 7-العدد1، 2010) (وزارة التعليم العالي-جامعة آل البيت، 2011 | |
4 | أبوشنب، أحمد ،(2011) . زمان ومكان الإنعقاد في عقود التجارة الالكترونية- دراسة مقارنة مع الفقه الاسلامي، المجلة الاردنية في الدراسات الاسلامية(المجلد7،العدد4،2011) (وزارة التعليم العالي- جامعة آل البيت) . | |
5 | البستاني, سعيد(2011) الوافي في أساسيات قانون التجارة والتجار-منشورات الحلبي الحقوقية-بيروت. | |
6 | Abu Ghazaleh S. (2011). Fighting Cybersquatting: Nominet Disputes Resolution Service Policy, Business Law Review, Kluwer Law International (Netherlands), Volume 32, Issue 2. | |
7 | Abu Ghazaleh S. (2011). .jo ccTLD domains protection, Computer and Telecommunications Law Review , Sweet & Maxwell (United Kingdom), Issue 17(5), pp 123-131. | |
8 | Nadia Q. (2011). The development of legal thought in the relationship owners and tenants in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. “Journal of Legal and Economic Thought - University Press- - Faculty of Law, - Banha university - Egypt - the third issue. | |
9 | Nadia Q. (2011). Entrepreneurship decades and the responsibility of the contractor and the engineer- Journal of Legal and Economic Thought - University Press- - Faculty of Law, - Banha university - Egypt. | |
10 | Nadia Q. (2011). Plastic surgeon’s legal medical liability “– Jordan Journal of law and Political Sciences – Vol. (3) No (1) Mu Tah University. | |
11 | Nadia Q. (2011). Legislative confrontation to protect the environment from air pollution problem fortieth annual conference in Cairo Demographic Center.
Number | List of Research Papers | Abstract |
1 | أبوشنب، أحمد وعبيدات ، رضوان.(2012) . حجية الامر المقضي به بين الفقه الاسلامي والقانون الاردني، مجلة دراسات(المجلد 39العدد2، 2012)، الجامعة الاردنية. | |
2 | Nadia Q. (2012). Authority of the judge to modify the contract by the theory of Emergency conditions - Jordan Journal of law And Political Sciences – Vol. (4) No (2) Mu Tah University |
Number | List of Research Papers | Abstract |
1 | ابوشنب ،أحمد وعبيدات، رضوان ، (2013) حجية القرائن القانونية البسيطة في الاثبات بين الفقه الاسلامي والقانون الوضعي، مجلة دراسات(المجلد 40 العدد1،2013 )الجامعة الاردنية). | |
2 | Madi R. and Abu Ghazaleh S. (2013). Who owns the copyright of architectural plans, drawings or designs? An overview in the light of the Jordanian legislation, I.C.C.L.R., Issue 24 (11). | |
3 | Nadia Q. (2013). Ases of confusion in the legal system of obligation and doubt Jordan Journal of law And Political Sciences – vol. (5) No. (1) Mu Tah University. |
Number | List of Research Papers | Abstract |
1 | البستاني, سعيد (2014) المنهجية والفصائل العلمية في الدراسات العليا والابحاث الجامعية-قانون البحث العلمي-منشورات الحلبي الحقوقية- بيروت
| |
2 | Madi R. and Abu Ghazaleh S. (2014). Unlocking Your New Mobile Phones is Now Illegal under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, I.C.C.L.R., Issue 25 (4). |
Number | List of Research Papers | Abstract |
1 | Nadia Q. (2015). Egal and forensic perspective to hold leasing wombs Zarqa journal for research and studies in humanities Vol. (15) No. (1) Zarqa University – Jordan.
Abstract | List of Research Papers | Number |
أبو شنب، أحمد (2017). المرض المهني في قانون الضمان الاجتماعي الأردني، كلية العلوم القانونية والسياسية، الدنمارك. | 1 | |
البيات، محمد (2017). المدخل إلى علم القانون، جامعة دمشق، دمشق. | 2 | |
البيات، محمد (2017). النظرية العامة للإلتزام، جامعة دمشق، دمشق. | 3 | |
البيات، محمد (2017). دور القاضي وسلطة المتقاضي في بيئة القضاء المدني (دراسة مقارنة)، المجلة القانونية القضائية في مركز الدراسات القانونية، قطر. | 4 | |
| الجراح، مشعل (2017). الأثر المترتب على الطعن في قرارات رئيس التنفيذ الأردني وفقاً لقانون التنفيذ الأردني (25) لسنة 2007، المجلة العربية للعلوم ونشر الأبحاث، فلسطين: غزة. | 5 |
| . Mashal, j.(2017).Consumer without special legal protection: how the Jordanian legal system provides protection to the consumer,journal of law policy and globalization, usa | 6 |
| غزوي، محمد (2017). الأثر المترتب على الطعن في قرارات رئيس التنفيذ الأردني (25) لسنة 2007، المجلة العربية للعلوم ونشر الأبحاث، فلسطين: غزة. | 7 |
. Mohammad, G.(2017).Consumer without special legal protection: how the Jordanian legal system provides protection to the consumer,journal of law policy and globalization, usa | 8 | |
أبو شنب، راشد (2017). استئناف الأحكام المدنية، دار وائل، عمان: الأردن. | 9 | |
Hassan,O and Shereen,G.(2017) Contractor Standard of Care in Green Building, Journal of legal and Political Science, issue 14, 2017. | 10 | |
. Hassan,O and Shereen,G.(2017) Contractual Suggestions for Engineer in Green Buildings, Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization, Vol.68, 2017. | 11 | |
Hassan,O and Shereen,G.(2017) Contractual Suggestions for the Contractor in Green Buildings, Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization, Vol.61, 2017 | 12 | |
Hassan,O and Shereen,G.(2017) Contractual Suggestions for the Owner in Green Buildings Contracts, International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 9, Issue, 07, pp.53697-53702, July, 2017 | 13 | |
| Hassan,O and Shereen,G .(2017)Contractual Suggestions of Green Building Insurance, Asian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 08, Issue, 11, pp.6736-6742, November, 2017. | 14 |
Hassan,O and Shereen,G.(2017) Engineer Standard of Care in Traditional and Green Building Contracts, International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 9, Issue, 06, June, 20. | 15 | |
Hassan,O and Shereen,G.(2017) Joint Liability of the Parties to Green Buildings Contract, International Review of Management and Business Research, Vol. 6 Issue.3, September 2017. | 16 | |
| Hassan,O and Shereen,G.(2017) Mathematical Equations for Calculating a Worker’s Benefits under Work Injuries Insurance Compensation and Pensions according to the Jordanian Social Security Law, Global Journal of Politics and Law Research,Vol.5, No.7, pp.1-16, December 2017. | 17 |
Hassan,O and Shereen,G.(2017) Mathematical Equations for Calculating a Worker’s Rights under Medical Care Insurance and Daily Wages Paid in Work Injuries and Occupational Diseases According to Jordanian Social Security Law, Asian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 08, Issue, 11, pp.6884-6891, November, 2017. | 18 |
Abstract | List of Research Papers | Number |
Download | القضاة، منذر، (2019). التجربة الأردنية في مجال التعليم الوقفي، مؤتمر الملتقى الدولي - الوقف الإسلامي أداة تمويل وتنمية – الجزائر - 2019. | 1 |
Download | القضاة، منذر، (2019)، دور الوقف في تنمية المجتمع المسلم، مؤتمر آفاق التنمية في الوطن العربي رؤية قانونية – مصر - 2019 | 2 |
Abstract | List of Research Papers | Number |
Download | القضاة، منذر، (2020). دور الأوقاف المشتركة بين المسلمين والمسيحيين في خدمة مقاصد الوقف العامة. | 1 |