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Research Priorities

National Priorities

National priorities for the first research session for 2020

National priorities for research projects submitted to receive support from the Scientific Research and Innovation Support Fund for the first research session of the year 2020:

Basic sciences sector

Research studies of a strategic nature related to basic sciences are presented within the following scientific axes:

  • Genetic and molecular studies of an environmental and hereditary nature.
  • Preparing and studying new materials in the field of nanotechnology and their applications.
  • Utilizing solar energy and converting it into electrical or thermal energy, and developing photovoltaics and fuel cells.
  • Development of important polymers and process applications.
  • Development of materials with industrial and environmental applications.
  • Engineering Sciences, Nanotechnology and Biotechnology Sector

Research studies of a strategic nature related to engineering sciences, nanotechnology and biology are presented within the following scientific axes:

  • Applied nanoscale and biological research, production and development of new materials that can be used in various engineering applications.
  • Applied research in green technology and its engineering applications.
  • Applied engineering studies related to infrastructure and public safety for Jordanian cities.
  • Application of artificial intelligence in the field of civil aviation.
  • Reducing the safety risks of civil aviation.
  • Using (3D Printing) in engineering applications.

Medical and pharmaceutical sciences sector

Research studies of a strategic nature related to medical and pharmaceutical sciences are presented within the following scientific axes:

  • Studies in the applications of genetics and pharmacogenetics (Pharmacogenetics).
  • Studies in the field of health policy development and health care informatics.
  • Job qualification.
  • Advanced technology in medical rehabilitation.
  • Misuse of antibiotics and resistance to bacteria.
  • Psychiatric epidemiology and evaluation of mental health services.
  • Preparing and studying new nanomaterials in the field of dentistry.

Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences Sector

Research studies of a strategic nature related to agricultural and veterinary sciences are presented within the following scientific axes:

  • Increasing the efficiency of water use in irrigation.
  • Protection, improvement and selection of animal and plant species and varieties and their wild fathers to develop agricultural production due to local weather conditions and climate changes.
  • Using alternative energy in agriculture.
  • Research related to food security, extension and marketing of Jordanian agricultural products.
  • Employing artificial intelligence techniques in agricultural scientific research.
  • Research related to animal health and productivity.
  • Energy Sciences Sector

Research studies of a strategic nature related to energy sciences are presented within the following scientific axes:

  • Raise the efficiency of energy systems.
  • The impact of renewable energy projects on the Jordanian economy.
  • The impact of renewable energy projects on the environment.
  • Raise the efficiency of energy consumption in the system and industrial production lines and energy storage.
  • The use of nanotechnology in the energy and fuel storage sector.
  • Water and Environmental Sciences Sector

Research studies of a strategic nature related to water and environmental sciences are presented within the following scientific axes:

  • Improving the efficiency of irrigation water use, drought tolerant crops, and biotechnology.
  • Environmental risk assessment of landfill and its management, including the risk of contamination of groundwater.
  • Water treatment and groundwater desalination for drinking.
  • Development of environmentally friendly materials.
  • Innovative ways of recycling waste.
  • Management and economics of water and environmental resources.
  • Optimizing energy use in operating water pumping stations and wastewater treatment plants by relying on renewable energy and storing it.

Communications sector and digital economy

Research studies of a strategic nature related to the human, economic and social sciences are presented within the following scientific axes:

  • Security of information, data and networks.
  • Data science and Big Data mining.
  • Digital signal processing and its applications.
  • Artificial Intelligence and its applications.
  • The Internet of Things and its applications and smart cities.
  • Infrastructure and protocols for the next generation of computer networks and applications.
  • The science of social communication.

Human, Social and Economic Sciences Sector

Research studies of a strategic nature related to communication and information technology are presented within the following scientific axes:

  • Economy, tourism and investment.
  • Business Administration: Entrepreneurial, Governance, Social Responsibility, Competitiveness, Marketing.
  • Educational studies in the different stages of education.
  • Media and culture.
  • Legal Studies.
  • Domestic and global financial and economic crises and risk management.
  • Using technology in e-marketing and e-commerce.
  • Foreign investment in Jordan.
  • The use of modern technological methods and techniques in the processes of rehabilitation, excavation, documentation and marketing of archaeological sites and museums.
  • Cybersecurity: protecting computers, electronic systems, and networks.
  • Artificial Intelligence: the legal, social and economic dimension.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Sector

Research studies of a strategic nature related to innovation and entrepreneurship are presented within the following scientific axes:

  • Research on how to change the society’s culture towards innovation and entrepreneurship, and activate it, especially in the early school stages.
  • Applied engineering studies and technology related to early warning systems of disasters (earthquakes, floods, wars ... etc.) for Jordanian cities and sensitive facilities.
  • Research related to the production of halal medicines and cosmetics, and the mechanism of their marketing abroad.
  • Research specialized in increasing the halal Jordanian agricultural products and the mechanism for their marketing abroad.
  • Research on applications of virtual reality and augmented reality by adopting artificial intelligence.
  • Research on cloud computing and edge computing applications in developing communications infrastructure.
  • Research on the applications of the fifth generation of mobile systems to find solutions to existing or future local problems.
  • Research on renewable and sustainable energy systems, water and the environment.
  • Research on smart transportation systems and environmentally friendly alternative transportation technologies.
  • Research on smart medical equipment, biomedical sensors, and wearable medical systems.

Interdisciplinary Research Sector

Research projects of a national character

  • The Board of Directors may support research projects of a national character at any time, without following the applicable scientific research support procedures, if it is directly requested by the Council of Ministers.
  • The Board of Directors may form national teams to carry out research projects if necessary to solve a national problem that the Council of Ministers deems important, provided that the study is submitted to the Fund directly through the detailed application form and is subject to the evaluation mechanism approved by the Fund.
  • The Board of Directors may support development and innovation projects that have an economic return or have a scientific value that leads to the registration of a patent for researchers in partnership with public and private sector companies at any time without going through the initial stages of requesting support for the project.
  • The Board of Directors may support research that leads to a noticeable increase in investment in the industrial, agricultural and economic fields after studying it by the sectoral committee and the recommendation of the scientific committee.
Research priorities at Amman Arab University



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