Finance Department at the Faculty of Business at Amman Arab University is considered a symbol of entrepreneurship, excellence, and a venerable scientific edifice. It is one of the significant departments in the Faculty of Business, which was established to meet the labor market’s need of specialized cadres in the field of finance and banking. Our department always endeavors to provide the student with skills and knowledge that keep pace with the updated methods of University education, requirements and objectives.
The department is also seeking modern technology in teaching and chooses the most modern courses in line with the successive developments in the field of financial technology to reduce the gap between the theoretical and practical aspects. Therefore, it focused on attracting a group of the most academically distinguished professors, as well as graduating students who are competent in their specialization in line with the needs of the labor market. We ask God to help us to achieve progress and prosperity for our University.
Dr. Raed Al-smadi
Acting Head of Finance Department
Department of Finance at the Faculty of Business was established in 2009 which includes a Master’s program in finance and a Bachelor’s program in finance and banking, to supply the labor market with highly trained competencies and cadres in all financial and administrative sectors, in response to developments and challenges and keeping pace with them in order to achieve sustainable development. Moreover, the department includes an elite Professors and faculty members who are scientifically and practically distinguished at the level of the Kingdom and the region. The department is also responsible for teaching students and developing their potential to contribute to raising the effectiveness of the development process in both the public and private sectors.
coping with the Faculty vision, mission and objectives, Finance Department, starting from the educational process inputs and ending with its objectives, focusing on the qualitative results of all academic programs, is updating study plans, teaching methods, tools and scientific research for students and professors, through exams and practical training for students and professors in an effort to improve the educational process for preparing high potential to meet the challenges and requirements of the future career of the alumni.
Academic and research excellence in the field of finance and enhancing competitiveness in the labor market at the local and regional levels.
Preparing scientifically qualified staff supported by knowledge, financial skills and professional ethics to work in all financial fields, to meet the needs of the local and regional community, in accordance with local and international quality criteria.
Finance and Banking Major Bachelor’s Program
Program Mission:
Providing distinguished academic programs in finance and banking that are supported by knowledge, skills and professional ethics through qualified staff capable of keeping pace with local and international standards in accordance with the e-learning inclusion criteria.
Educational Program Objectives:
- Preparing well-qualified and skillful cadres able to interact successfully and professionally with the financial markets at the local and global levels.
- Increasing the cognitive skills, thinking and creativity of students in the field of financial and banking sciences.
- Keeping pace with the requirements of the labor market by linking the theoretical side with the practical reality.
- Encouraging scientific research in the field of finance and banking.
- Developing study programs and plans in line with the challenges of the local and global financial markets.
- Preparing teaching staff capable of keeping pace with technological development in the field of education.
Educational Program Outcomes:
The expected outcomes of this program are preparing graduates competent in:
- Identifying the basic areas of finance, which include financial management, investment, financial analysis and risk management.
- Clarifying knowledge and skills related to the financial and banking sciences.
- Developing communication channels in line with the requirements of the working environment at local and international financial fields.
- Analyzing the financial statements using quantitative methods.
- Employing financial knowledge and skills in financial and banking fields.
- Preparing economic feasibility studies for projects.
Finance Major Master’s Program
Program Mission:
Providing distinguished academic programs in finance and banking that are supported by knowledge, skills and professional ethics through qualified staff capable of keeping pace with local and international standards in accordance with the e-learning inclusion criteria.
Educational Program Objectives:
- Providing students with advanced knowledge and skills in financial and banking work.
- Promoting the level of scientific research in the field of finance and banking.
- Students identify the latest techniques of financial systems in the financial markets and the world of banking.
- Recognizing solving the problems encountering local and international financial and banking institutions.
- Providing academic programs of a distinguished level that are appropriate to the needs of students and the labor market.
- Preparing teaching staff capable of keeping pace with technological development in the field of education.
Educational Program Outcomes:
The expected outcomes of this program are preparing graduates competent in:
- Providing students advanced knowledge and skills in financial and banking work.
- Clarifying the latest techniques of financial systems in the financial markets and the world of banking.
- Conducting scientific research in the areas of finance and banking.
- Applying financial theories to companies and banks.
- Analyzing the problems encountering local and international financial and banking institutions.
- Evaluating financial process in various institutions.
- Developing financial solutions to various problems and issues.
Mapping of Program Educational Objectives (PEO's) with Students Outcomes (SO's) - Bachelor’s Program
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
- Preparing well-qualified and skillful cadres able to interact successfully and professionally with the financial markets at the local and global levels.
- Increasing the cognitive skills, thinking and creativity of students in the field of financial and banking sciences.
- Keeping pace with the requirements of the labor market by linking the theoretical side with the practical reality.
- Encouraging scientific research in the field of finance and banking.
- Developing study programs and plans in line with the challenges of the local and global financial markets.
- Preparing teaching staff capable of keeping pace with technological development in the field of education.
Students Outcomes (SOs)
- Identifying the basic areas of finance, which include financial management, investment, financial analysis and risk management.
- Clarifying knowledge and skills related to the financial and banking sciences.
- Developing communication channels in line with the requirements of the working environment at local and international financial fields.
- Analyzing the financial statements using quantitative methods.
- Employing financial knowledge and skills in financial and banking fields.
- Preparing economic feasibility studies for projects.
Mapping between PEOs and SOs:
PEOs | SOs |
1 | 2, 4 |
2 | 1, 2 |
3 | 1, 3, 6 |
4 | 2, 5 |
5 | 1, 2, 4 |
6 | 3, 5 |
Mapping of Program Educational Objectives (PEO's) with Students Outcomes (SO's) - Master’s Program
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
- Providing students with advanced knowledge and skills in financial and banking work.
- Promoting the level of scientific research in the field of finance and banking.
- Students identify the latest techniques of financial systems in the financial markets and the world of banking.
- Recognizing solving the problems encountering local and international financial and banking institutions.
- Providing academic programs of a distinguished level that are appropriate to the needs of students and the labor market.
- Preparing teaching staff capable of keeping pace with technological development in the field of education.
Students Outcomes (SOs)
- Providing students advanced knowledge and skills in financial and banking work.
- Clarifying the latest techniques of financial systems in the financial markets and the world of banking.
- Conducting scientific research in the areas of finance and banking.
- Applying financial theories to companies and banks.
- Analyzing the problems encountering local and international financial and banking institutions.
- Evaluating financial process in various institutions.
- Developing financial solutions to various problems and issues.
Mapping between PEOs and SOs:
PEOs | SOs |
1 | 1, 3 |
2 | 4, 5 |
3 | 1, 2 |
4 | 3, 4 |
5 | 2, 4 |
6 | 1, 4 |
7 | 3, 4, 5 |

Major | Credit Hours | Study Plan |
Bachelor's in Banking and Finance | 132 | |
Master's in Finance | 33 | Plan - thesis Plan - comprehensive |
Number | List of Research Papers | Abstract |
1 | Al-Qaisi, K. (2011). Income Smoothening Practicing Effect on Abnormal Returns and Market value. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics. Issue 79. | |
2 | Khalaf S. (2011). “The effect of financial Ratios, Firm Size and cash Flows from operating Activities on Earnings Per Share: an Applied study on Jordanian Industrial Sector”, International Journal Of Social Sciences And Humanity Studies, Vol. 3, No 1, ISSN: 1309-8063 (Online) |
Number | List of Research Papers | Abstract |
1 | Al-Qaisi, K. (2012). Banking Competition and Efficiency in Jordan: A Note. International Journal of Banking and Finance, Australia. Volume 9 , Issue 2. | |
2 | Al-Qaisi, K. (2012). The Dynamics of Foreign Exchange Rate Risk Management in Different Enterprises. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. Vol. 2, No. 10. | |
3 | Al-Qaisi, K. (2012). The Impact of General Expenditures on Economic Changes in Jordan. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business. Vol. 4, No. 5. | |
4 | Al-Qaisi, K. (2012). The Advantages of Islamic Financial System in Alleviating the Influence of International Financial Crisis. British Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences. Vol. 3, No. 2. | |
5 | Khalaf S., (2012). “The Role of Foreign Banks and its Contribution in the Jordanian Credit Market: Evidence from the Jordanian and Foreign Commercial Banks”. Irbid Lil- Buhuth Wad- Dirasat. Vol. (20), No. (4), , Irbid National University. | |
6 | Khalaf S., (2012). Impact of Working Capital Management Policy and Financial Leverage on Financial Performance: Empirical evidence from Amman Stock Exchange – listed companies”, International Journal of Management Sciences & Business Research and Finance, Vol. 1, Issue 8.. (ISSN: 2226- 8235). |
Number | List of Research Papers | Abstract |
1 | Al-Qaisi, K. (2013). The Role of Financial Aids of European Union in Developing Countries. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business. VOL 4, NO 12. | |
2 | Al-Qaisi, K. (2013). The Effect of the Financial Crisis on the Jordanian Industrial Sector. International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies. Vol. 4, No. 4 | |
3 | Khalaf S., (2013). "Capital Structure Effects on Banking Performance: A Case Study of Jordan". International Journal of Economics, Finance, and Management Sciences. Vol. 1, No. 5, , pp. 227-233.. | |
4 | Khalaf S., (2013). "Challenges Facing Financial Engineering with Islamic Rules", International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences. Vol. 1, No.5, , pp. 234-240. | |
5 | Khalaf S., (2013). Impact of Privatization on Financial Performance of State-Owned Enterprises: A Case Study of The Jordanian Cement Factories Company, Journal of Finance and accounting, Vol. 1, No (3), , pp. 46-54 | |
6 | Khalaf S. (2013). “The Relationship Between Capital Structure & Firm performance: Evidence From Jordan”. Journal of Finance and Accounting. Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 41-45. | |
Number | List of Research Papers | Abstract |
1 | Khalaf S., (2014). “The Impact of Change in Owned Capital an Deposits on the Performance of Banks: An Empirical study on the Commercial Banking Sector in Jordan”. Journal of Finance and Accounting. Vol.2, No.2, , pp. 24-29. |
Number | List of Research Papers | Abstract |
1 | Kahtan S. & Ade Al-Nimri, (2015). The Impact of Cash Holdings and Economic Factors on Economic Value Added in the Commercial Banks "Dirassat" Administrative Sciences, Jordan University Review, Vol.42, N.1 | |
Master Finance
Abstract | Thesis name | No. |
Download | عبد الله، تامر(2011). تقييم مخاطر التسهيلات الائتمانية واثارها على ربحية المصارف التجارية العاملة في فلسطين اشراف: د. قحطان السامرائي | 1 |
Download | الشريف، رانيا(2011). | 2 |
Download | اشتيه، راشد(2011). | 3 |
Download | حبيب ، هيبات(2011). | 4 |
Download | علي، محمد(2011). | 5 |
Download | البلبل ، منال(2011). | 6 |
Download | مرار، فادي(2011). | 7 |
Download | تمراز، غادة(2011). | 8 |
Master Finance
Abstract | Thesis name | No. |
Download | الهولي، فاطمة(2012). العلاقة بين عائد الاستثمار بالمخزون والتدفقات النقدية الحرة وأثرها على القيمة السوقية للسهم اشراف: د. أرشد تميمي | 1 |
Download | سليمان، علاء(2012). | 2 |
Download | القادر، كرم(2012). | 3 |
Download | علاوين، رائد(2012). | 4 |
Download | عوده، ماهر(2012). | 5 |
Download | جمعة، خالد(2012). | 6 |
Download | منصور، الاء(2012). | 7 |
Download | العلايا، اسامة(2012). | 8 |
Download | السعيدي، جراح(2012). | 9 |
Download | عساف، ولاء(2012). | 10 |
Master Finance
Abstract | Thesis name | No. |
Download | البلبيسي، ايمان(2013). مدى استعداد البنوك التجارية الأردنية لتطبيق بنود اتفاقية بازل الثالثة اشراف: د. هشام غرايبة | 1 |
Download | الزعبي، عمر(2013). | 2 |
Download | خشيش، احمد(2013). | 3 |
Download | النمري، عدي(2013). | 4 |
Download | الشريدة، علا(2013). | 5 |
Download | الناصري، محي الدين(2013). | 6 |
Download | عرقيات، ايفا(2013). | 7 |
Download | العوراتاني، لانا(2013). | 8 |
Download | اليوسفي، شهم (2013). | 9 |
Master Finance
Abstract | Thesis name | No. |
Download | عواودة, باسم (2014). اختبار تأثير النسب المالية والعوامل الاقتصادية على القيمة السوقية للبنوك التجارية الأردنية. المشرف: د. قحطان السامرائي | 1 |
Download | حمدان, بثينة (2014). | 2 |
Download | بربراوي, فيفيان (2014). | 3 |
Download | الغصاونة، جاسم (2014). | 4 |
Download | ملحم، معن (2014). | 5 |
Download | AL-Eneizat, Batoul(2014) The Impact of Bank Credit of Commercial banks on Net Interest Rate Margin and Non Interest Rate Margin Supervisor: Dr. Hana Mohammad ALHunuiti | 6 |
Master Finance
Abstract | Thesis name | No. |
Download | بربراوي، فيفيان(2015). أثر هيكل الملكية على الرافعة المالية في الشركات الأردنية اشراف: د. خلدون القيسي | 1 |
Download | ملحم، معن(2015). | 2 |
Download | حمدان، بثينة(2015). | 3 |
Download | صندوقة، محمد(2015). | 4 |
Download | العواودة، باسم(2015). | 5 |
Download | اللوزي، مجدي(2015). أثر مؤشرات رأس المال العامل على الاداء المالي للشركات الصناعية الأردنية اشراف: د. خلدون القيسي | 6 |
Download | السيد، علاء(2015). | 7 |
Download | الحياصات، هديل (2015). | 8 |
Download | الدراجي، محمد(2015). | 9 |
Master Finance
Abstract | Thesis name | No. |
(Al-Hindawi, Ashraf (2016 | 2 | |
(Ababneh, Anas (2016 | 3 | |
(kharabsheh, Omar (2016 | 4 | |
(Al-Saad, Essa (2016 | 5 | |
(Al-Jboor, Yousef (2016 | 7 |
Master Finance
Abstract | Thesis name | No. |
Download | (Al-Maaytah, Ahmad (2017 | 1 |
(Mherat, Ashraf (2017 | 2 | |
Download | (Alzubaidi, Almuntaser (2017 | 3 |
(Helal, Husam (2017 | 4 | |
(Bashir, Dawood (2017 | 5 | |
(Al- Nsour, Diana (2017 | 6 | |
(Al-Hudaib, Sulaiman (2017 | 7 | |
(Smadi, Saif (2017 | 8 | |
(Abd Aljwad, Suhieb (2017 | 9 | |
(Alkaied, Ammer (2017 | 10 | |
(Abu Hdeab, Abbas (2017 | 11 | |
(Abedlqader, Omar (2017 | 12 | |
(Abu Anzeh, Mohamad (2017 | 13 | |
(Zboon, Mohmad (2017 | 14 | |
(Weshah, Nancy (2017 | 15 | |
(Al-Masaafeh, Wafaa (2017 | 16 |