fbpxThe Impact of Cybersecurity on National Security Conference at “Arab Amman University" | Amman Arab University

The Impact of Cybersecurity on National Security Conference at “Arab Amman University"

مؤتمر أثر الأمن السيبراني على الامن الوطني في " عمان العربية"... نهاية الشهر الجاري


The Impact of Cybersecurity on National Security Conference at “Arab Amman University"
 Amman - Amman Arab University, in partnership with the Directorate of Public Security, is holding the first international scientific conference, entitled: "The Impact of Cybersecurity on National Security", on Tuesday and Wednesday corresponding to December 20-21, 2022 AD, with the participation of elite researchers and academics from different countries of the world.  .
 In this regard, the Chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the Conference and the Rapporteur of the Conference, Prof. Dhaher Al-Qurashi, said that the conference will discuss eight main themes through which it will deal with: business organizations and cybersecurity, cybersecurity in infrastructure and information, forms of cybersecurity and its implications in international laws and agreements, aviation cybersecurity, Educational and psychological sciences and their relationship to achieving cybersecurity, the Arabic language and mathematics and their relationship to cybersecurity, the role of public security in reducing the risks of cyberattacks, and international and national efforts to protect cybersecurity.
 Prof. Al-Qurashi indicated that the conference, which lasts for two days, is one of the scientific conferences, with the participation of universities, research centers, researchers and experts in cybersecurity and national security.  Conference proceedings.
 In turn, Prof. Mohamad Al-Widyan, President of Amman Arab University and Chairman of the Conference, said that the aim of holding such conferences is to spread cyber awareness in societies, to learn about global experiences and success stories in this field, and to increase knowledge of ways and means to achieve cyber security, and interaction among international participants, in addition to launching social and academic initiatives and services in the field of cybersecurity.
 It is worth noting that the conference witnesses contributions from local sovereign bodies, in addition to the Public Security Directorate, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs, the Ministry of Interior, the National Center for Cybersecurity, the Awareness Association for Information Protection (Cybersecurity), the National Center for Cybersecurity, and the Directorate of Cybersecurity - Jordanian Armed Forces.