Amman Arab University Launches the (No to Bullying) Initiative at the Latin Patriarchate School
Amman - Within the activities of the Cultural Committee at the level of Amman Arab University and the Cultural Committee at the level of the Faculty of Educational and Psychological Sciences, Prof. Shatha Al-Ajili, Professor Suhaila Banat and Dr. Nusseibeh Al-Sawa participated in launching the "No to Bullying" initiative at the Latin Patriarchate School
During the lecture, Prof. Banat talked about the meaning and forms of bullying and then referred to ways to prevent it. As for Prof. Al-Ajili, she talked about the psychological effects of bullying. She also explained the characteristics of victims of bullying, while Dr. Nasiba talked about cyberbullying, explaining how it appears and how to prevent falling as victims
In conclusion, the school director presented certificates of thanks and appreciation and expressed his thanks for the cooperation of Amman Arab University and its launch of this initiative. It was agreed on the continuity of cooperation and the dissemination of this initiative with other schools. This participation comes within the university's policy and orientations to the need to participate and network with various institutions of society