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المكتبات الجامعية الورقية إلى متى؟

University Libraries Hardcopies for How Long?

  University Libraries Hardcopies for How Long? By: Prof. Dr. Younes Megdadi University libraries are among the basic…
الوفاء بعيد الاستقلال 78

Independence Day 78

  Independence Day 78 By: Prof. Dr. Younes Megdadi On the twenty-fifth of May of each year, Jordanians celebrate Independence…
ثقافة الكاميرا بقلم الاستاذ الدكتور يونس مقدادي

Camera Culture By: Prof. Dr. Younes Megdadi

  Camera Culture By: Prof. Dr. Younes Megdadi The American Edwin Reischauer says in his book “The Japanese” in 1979, which…
وجهة نظر في صدمة اليوم

A perspective on Today's Shock

  A perspective on Today's Shock By: Prof. Dr. Younes Megdadi We have read or heard about Alvin Toffler's book entitled…
الذكاء الاجتماعي بقلم الاستاذ الدكتور يونس مقدادي

Social Intelligence By: Prof. Dr. Younes Megdadi

  Social Intelligence By: Prof. Dr. Younes Megdadi The author of the book Social Intelligence, Karl Albrecht, says that a…
عبء العقول بقلم أ.د. يونس مقدادي

Burden of Minds By: Prof. Dr. Younes Megdadi

  Burden of Minds By: Prof. Dr. Younes Megdadi Praise be to God for the blessing of the mind, and without this blessing, none…
الجهود الأردنية بقيادته الهاشمية في دعم الأهل في فلسطين وغزَّة

Jordanian Hashemite Efforts to Support our Bloved People in Palestine and Gaza, and the Duty of the Various Sectors of the Jordanian People at this Serious Stage

  Jordanian Hashemite Efforts to Support our Bloved People in Palestine and Gaza, and the Duty of the Various Sectors of the…
الجامعات ومفهوم المرموقية

The Universities and the Concept of Prestigious

  The Universities and the Concept of Prestigious By: Prof. Dr. Younes Megdadi Prestigious term, which is well-known to all,…