Independence Day 78
By: Prof. Dr. Younes Megdadi
On the twenty-fifth of May of each year, Jordanians celebrate Independence Day, and this year marks its seventy-eighth anniversary, and it is considered one of the national occasions dear to everyone’s hearts. Since the early morning, we have seen a large number of citizens carrying the Jordanian flag in their hands, especially young people, flying high above public, private and commercial vehicles and institutions, rejoicing on this occasion, not to mention on social media pages to express their love for their country and its victorious Hashemite leadership, which has dazzled the world with its wisdom in all aspects on regional and international fields and forums.
This national occasion confirms to all Jordanians that the homeland is the most precious thing we possess, and loyalty to the homeland and the leader, and the homeland is a duty for all of us, so that the process of giving and building continues in its most beautiful forms and at various levels, based on our love for the homeland and its Hashemite leadership and our reliance around it, in the interest of all of us that Jordan remains proud, and able to overcome all difficulties with the skill and diplomacy of His Majesty the Hashemite King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein the Great and Crown Prince Al-Amin, and the loyalty and usual chivalry of the Jordanian people.
These national occasions are considered one of the true keys to renewing allegiance and loyalty to the nation and the nation’s leader, and here we celebrate this occasion, young and old, raising the nation’s flag to affirm loyalty as a way to elevate its position and be recognized among the countries of the world. Independence Day, with its national meanings and connotations, embodies wonderful images of loyalty, construction, and heroism recorded in history since the independence of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan over the course of seventy-eight years, starting with the late His Majesty King Abdullah I, the founder, and His Majesty King Hussein bin Talal Al-Bani, all the way to His Majesty the Hashemite King Abdullah II, the son of Al-Hussein the Great is the creator of the nation’s renaissance within development programs related to various areas of life and fields. Social, economic, political, educational, health, and many others, in order to achieve sustainable development, which everyone aspires to, out of His Majesty’s keenness to ensure that Jordan remains a proud country with its people and its capabilities.
The talk about Homeland Day and its independence is long and we may not do it justice, but the homeland will remain planted like an emerald candlestick, firmly rooted in our senses and in the air that we breathe and across the generations, so that the process of giving and building continues and with the enthusiasm of everyone and that the flag of the homeland remains fluttering under the leadership of His Majesty the Hashemite King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein the Great. And to his trustworthy Crown Prince and the generous Jordanian people. Happy new year to you, and to the nation and the nation’s leader.