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CSI - ابحاث اعضاء هيئة التدريس 2015

ابحاث اعضاء هيئة التدريس 2015



عنوان البحث

اسماء المؤلفين


Different Classification Algorithms Based on Arabic Text Classification: Feature Selection Comparative Study. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 6, No. 2.

Raho, G., Al-Shalabi, R., Kanaan, G., & Nassar A.
Download2015“Concepts and Applications of Modern Security Approaches in Electronic Authentication”, DAR AL RAYA for Publications & Distribution, Amman, Jordan.Al-Hamami A., & Al-Hamami M.
Download2015IPv6 the Next Generation of Internet Skeleton”, Dar Al Raya for Publication and Distribution, Amman, Jordan.Al-Hamami A., & Alradi A.
Download2015A New Lossless Method of Image Compression by Decomposing the Tree of Huffman Technique, International Journal of Imaging and Robotics.Otair, M. A., Alkhalayleh, M. A.,
Download2015Comparative Study between LM-DH Technique and Huffman Coding Technique, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER)Otair, M. A., Odat , A., and Al-Khalayleh, M.,
Download2015Does an Arithmetic Coding Followed by Run-Length Coding Enhance the Compression Ratio?, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology.Otair, Mohammed, Odat, A.
Download2015Enhancing an End User Development in Database Design using an Entity Relationship Diagram Mapper, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology.Otair, Mohammed, Odat, A.
Download2015Image Denoising by Comprehensive Median Filter, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER).Otair, M. A., Odat, A., and Shehadeh, F.
Download2015Least and Unique Price Auction with Ascending Slices (LUP-AS): Playing Game Style Online-Auction, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology.Otair, Mohammed
Download2015Security in Digital Images: from Information Hiding Perspective, chapter in IGI Global for publication in the book “Threat Detection and Countermeasures in Network Security”Otair, M. A.