
About Jordan

Jordan is a relatively small country situated at the junction of the Levantine and Arabian areas of the Middle East. The country is bordered on the north by Syria, to the east by Iraq, and by Saudi Arabia on the east and south. To the west is Israel and the occupied West Bank, while Jordan's only outlet to the sea, the Gulf of Aqaba, is to the south. Jordan occupies an area of approximately 96,188 square kilometers including the Dead Sea, making it similar in size to Austria or Portugal. However, Jordan's diverse terrain and landscape belie its actual size, demonstrating a variety usually found only in large countries. Western Jordan has essentially a Mediterranean climate with a hot, dry summer, a cool, wet winter and two short transitional seasons. However, about 75% of the country can be described as having a desert climate with less than 200 mm of rain annually ,for more information about Jordan Please visit Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

Queen Alia International Airport Services

The modern Queen Alia International Airport in Amman is Jordan’s "home hub" and an increasingly popular transit point for world travelers and international air freight. Jordan's "gateway to the world" smoothly welcomes as many as five million passengers a year, with plans for expanding capacity to ten million passengers in the future. Passenger facilities include Royal Jordanian's exclusive first class and business lounges, an extensive Duty Free shopping mall and a variety of handcraft displays and restaurants. Amman's Queen Alia International Airport (QAIA) is located 32 km south of Amman, and can be reached by regular taxis or buses transport. On arrival, book a taxi at the booth on Level One. For QAIA flight information, telephone 4453013 OR 4453014.


Yellow taxis, with meters, are very reasonable and are the most convenient form of transportation. The white 'Service' taxi system applies set routes, stopping on request, charging standard fees. There are also good public bus services between major points in Amman.